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Cute Bear Jewelry Box

Cute Bear Jewelry Box

SHILLS 100% Original SHILLS Cherry Blossom BB Cream / SHILLS超炫光BB無瑕霜(櫻花飛舞限量版)

Price: RM 52.00

Unlike most BB creams, the Shills Cherry Blossom BB Cream is a BB cream that is made in Taiwan. It offers protection against free radicals, evens out skin tone, brightens the skin, controls oil, moisturizes and conceals. It is also one of the best selling BB creams in Asia and is always featured in super popular

TV show 女人我最大

Main Ingredients:
1) Gingko - anti-oxidant
2) Licorice - soothe sensitive skin, helps to even out skin tone
3) Vitamin C - whitening, anti-oxidant
4) Green Tea - control oil

Natural coverage. Does not clog pores. Contains UV protection. Light-weight feeling and at the same time moisturise the skin. Can be use by itself or with other foundations or powders. Suitable for all skin types.


女人我最大 大S推荐~

首推-櫻花飛舞限量版裸妝新寵兒b.b Cream –輕薄透氣感不阻塞毛孔補水保濕抗秋燥、不露妝痕宛如無瑕數位肌,具機能型保養的完美底妝!

超人氣B B霜- 一瓶兼具保養、粉底、隔離霜效果B.B. Cream, 極佳保溼度、延展力及易推質地,如同穿上一件輕透的隱形薄衣~

加入保養嫩白成分-銀杏、甘草、維他命C ,控油成分-綠茶、保濕成分-玻尿酸、荷荷巴精華,質地清爽不厚重黏膩,佳輕薄透氣感不阻塞毛孔,遮瑕並能同時修飾粗大毛孔超防水功能讓你走出戶外也不怕,低刺激性即使敏感肌、任何膚質皆可輕薄完妝,只要一瓶 隔離、潤色、修護、保濕、遮瑕,全完成。上妝同時保養完妝膚質更勝別人,彷彿如影隨形隱形蘋果光,淡淡清新綠茶香氛,天天透出自然薄透超完美糖瓷素顏美肌。

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